Anda belum login :: 14 Oct 2024 19:29 WIB
ArtikelIt’s like mmm: Enactments with it’s like  
Oleh: Fox, Barbara A. ; Robles, Jessica
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Discourse Studies (Full Text) vol. 12 no. 5 (Oct. 2010), page 715-738.
Topik: assessment; be like; enactments
Fulltext: 2010.12.715-738.pdf (666.86KB)
Isi artikelThis article explores the distribution and use of a relatively new grammatical format in English, it’s like + enactment. We propose that it’s like utterances are used to enact thoughts, feelings and attitudes which are internal and affect-laden assessments of a prior utterance or event, produced as assessments that anyone in the same situation might have had. As such they tend to occur within stories, typically during the closing of a story. The enactments are often ‘response cries’ (Goffman, 1978) such as oh, mm, wow, and man. Because of the highly indexical nature of this grammatical format, it represents a fascinating site for participants to work out a ‘world known in common’ (Goodwin, personal communication).
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