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ArtikelPeer Relationships and Self-Esteem among Children Who Have Been Maltreated  
Oleh: Patterson, Charlotte J. ; Bolger, Kerry E ; Kupersmidt, Janis B.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Child Development vol. 69 no. 04 (Aug. 1998), page 1171-1197.
Topik: Maltreatment; Self-Esteem; Children; Peer Relationships
Fulltext: 1132368.pdf (712.72KB)
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Isi artikelA prospective longitudinal design was employed to assess risks associated with maltreatment in a representative community sample of 107 maltreated children and an equal number of nonmaltreated comparison children. Heightened difficulties in peer relationships and self-esteem were associated with greater severity and chronicity of maltreatment. For example, children who experienced chronic maltreatment were less well-liked" by peers. Type of maltreatment was also related to specific aspects of children's adjustment. For instance, sexual abuse predicted low self-esteem, but not problems in peer relationships. Emotional maltreatment, on the other hand, was related to difficulties in peef relationships, but not to low self-esteem. Thus, the best predictions of specific aspects of children's adjustment were provided by considering timing, type, and severity of maltreatment. For some groups of maltreated children, having a good friend was associated with improvement over time in self-esteem.
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