Anda belum login :: 15 Oct 2024 19:17 WIB
ArtikelSleep Schedules and Daytime Functioning in Adolescents  
Oleh: Carskadon, Mary A. ; Wolfson, Amy R.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Child Development vol. 69 no. 04 (Aug. 1998), page 875-887.
Topik: Adequate; Adolescents; Waking; Daytime Functioning; Sleep
Fulltext: 1132351.pdf (393.64KB)
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Isi artikelSleep and waking behaviors change significantly during the adolescent years. The objective of this study was to describe the relation between adolescents' sleep / wake habits, characteristics of students (age, sex, school), and daytime functioning (mood, school performance, and behavior). A Sleep Habits Survey was administered in homeroom classes to 3,120 high school students at 4 public high schools from 3 Rhode Island school districts. Self-reported total sleep times (school and weekend nights) decreased by 40-50 min across ages 13-19, ps < .001. The sleep loss was due to increasingly later bedtimes, whereas rise times were more consistent across ages. Students who described themselves as struggling or failing school (C's, D's/F's) reported that on school nights they obtain about 25 min less sleep and go to bed aI} average of 40 min later than A and B students, ps < .001. In addition, students with worse grades reported greater weekend delays of sleep schedule than did those with better grades. Furthermore, this study examined a priori defined adequate sleep habit groups versus less than adequate sleep habit groups on their daytime functioning.
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