Anda belum login :: 04 Oct 2024 21:54 WIB
ArtikelA Theory of Uncertainty Orientation : Implications for The Study of Individual Differences Within and Across Cultures  
Oleh: Hodson, Gordon ; Sorrentino, Richard M. ; Otsubo, Yasunao ; Walker, A. Marie ; Shuper, Paul A.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology ( vol. 35 no. 4 (Jul. 2004), page 460-480.
Topik: ORIENTATION; cross - cultural difference; culture; uncertainty; individualism; collectivism; optimism
Fulltext: 460.pdf (165.72KB)
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Isi artikelThe present study investigates whether canadian and japanese university students differ in how they deal with uncertainty. In addition to examining individual differences in uncertainty avoidance and individualism - collectivism were examined. Participants were 535 canadian and japanese undergraduate men and women. In support of the main prediction, canadian students were found to be more uncertainty oriented (UO) as compared to japanese students, who were more certainty oriented (CO) , (P <0,001). It is interesting to note that significant uncertainty orientation country interactions on the additional measures were also found. Whereas COs showed high levels of unrealistic optimism and uncertainty avoidance and low levels of individualism in canada, UOs showed this pattern in japan. These differences are consistent with the theory of uncertainty orientation in terms of whether cultural orientations toward uncertainty match or do not match one's self - regulatory style.
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