Anda belum login :: 09 Nov 2024 23:30 WIB
ArtikelHereditary thrombophilia and recurrent pregnancy loss: a retrospective cohort study of pregnancy outcome and obstetric complications  
Oleh: Lund, M. ; Nielsen, H.S. ; Hviid, T.V. ; Steffensen, R. ; Andersen, Anders Nyboe ; Christiansen, Ole B.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Human Reproduction vol. 25 no. 12 (Dec. 2010), page 2978-2984 .
Topik: EARLY PREGNANCY; pregnancy-induced hypertension; pre-eclampsia; intrauterine growth restriction; antiplatelet therapy;
Fulltext: Human Reproduction, Vol.25, No.12 pp. 2978–2984, 2010.pdf (134.13KB)
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: H07.K.2010.04
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelBACKGROUND Low-dose aspirin therapy could improve remodelling of maternal spiral arteries during early placentation and prevent subsequent pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders. We investigated whether low-dose aspirin therapy reduces the incidence of hypertensive pregnancy complications in unselected IVF and ICSI patients when medication was started prior to pregnancy. METHODS A total of 487 patients who underwent IVF/ICSI were randomized to receive 100 mg aspirin (n = 242) or placebo (n = 245) daily, starting on the first day of gonadotrophin stimulation. Pregnant women continued the medication until delivery. A total of 107 patients (52 with aspirin and 55 with placebo) experienced live birth and were included in this follow-up study. The main outcome measure was the incidence of hypertensive pregnancy complications. RESULTS Embryo transfer took place in 227 (94%) women in the aspirin group and in 229 (93%) women in the placebo group. The live birth rate between the aspirin (22.9%) and placebo (24.0%) groups did not differ significantly (P = 0.78). The overall incidence of hypertensive pregnancy complications was 15.4% (8/52) in the aspirin group and 18.2% (10/55) in the placebo group (P = 0.70, 95% confidence interval for the difference of proportions -17 to 11%). There were two cases of severe pre-eclampsia in the aspirin group and three cases in the placebo group. CONCLUSIONS In the present study, the incidence of hypertensive pregnancy complications did not differ statistically significantly between low-dose aspirin and placebo groups in unselected IVF/ICSI patients, when medication was started concomitantly with gonadotrophin stimulation and continued until delivery.
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