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JurnalBrain and Language (Full Text) vol. 21 no. 2 (1984)
Topik: Linguistics; Psycholinguistics; Brain and Language
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0093-934X    Year:: 1984    
Penerbit: Brain and Language
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Brain and Language (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Correlations of Glucose Metabolism and Structural Damage to Language Function in Aphasia, halaman 187-207
  2. The Effect of Semantic Plausibility on Sentence Comprehension in Aphasia, halaman 208-218
  3. The Effects of Word Class on Children’s Reading and Spelling, halaman 219-232
  4. Regional Brain Activity in Dyslexic and Control Children during Reading Tasks: Visual Probe Event-Related Potentials, halaman 233-254
  5. The Boston Naming Test: Norm Data and Cue Utilization in a Sample of Normal 6- and 7-Year-Old Children, halaman 255-259
  6. Comparison of the Performances of a Fluent and a Nonfluent Aphasic on a Pantomimic Referential Task, halaman 260-273
  7. Agrammatism in a Case-Inflected Language: Comprehension of Agent-Object Relations, halaman 274-290
  8. The Effect of Response Choice Relatedness on Pantomime and Verbal Recognition Ability in Aphasic Patients, halaman 291-306
  9. Altered Patterns of Word Associations in Dementia and Aphasia, halaman 307-317
  10. Event-Related Brain Potentials Differentiate Normal and Disabled Readers, halaman 318-334
  11. Soft Tissue Anatomy of the Tongue and Floor of the Mouth: An Ultrasound Demonstration, halaman 335-350
  12. NOTES AND DISCUSSION Predicting Brain Organization from Dichotic Listening Performance: A Note on Sidtis, halaman 351-353
  13. Asymmetries Large and Small: A Reply to Dennis, halaman 354-357
  14. Where Does the Term “Aphasia” Come from?, halaman 358-363
  15. Possible Effects of Forced Report Order on Tachistoscopic Recognition of Bilaterally Presented Stimuli: A Response to Young and Ellis, halaman 364-374

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