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JurnalELT Journal = English Language Teaching Journal (Full Text) vol. 67 no. 3 (2013)
Topik: Linguistics; Language; English Language Teaching
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0951-0893    Year:: 2013    
Penerbit: Oxford University Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal ELT Journal = English Language Teaching Journal (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Designing tasks for the Business English classroom, halaman 281-293
  2. Addressing textbook representations of pragmatics and culture, halaman 294-301
  3. The six-category intervention analysis: a classroom observation reference, halaman 302-312
  4. Listening for needles in haystacks: how lecturers introduce key terms, halaman 313-323
  5. Scaffolding language learning in an academic ESL classroom, halaman 324-335
  6. ‘Writing is a way of knowing’: writing and identity, halaman 336-345
  7. Readers respond: The distinctiveness of English as a Lingua Franca, halaman 346-349
  8. readers respond: English as a Lingua Franca and English language teaching: a way forward, halaman 350-353
  9. technology for the language teacher: Interactive whiteboards, halaman 354-358
  10. Review: Practice Teaching: A Reflective Approach / J. C. Richards and T. S. C. Farrell, halaman 359-361
  11. Review: Managing Change in English Language Teaching: Lessons from Experience / C. Tribble (ed.), halaman 364-366
  12. Review: Classroom Management Techniques / J. Scrivener, halaman 378-379

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