Anda belum login :: 08 Oct 2024 15:26 WIB
BukuResearching Collocations in Another Language: Multiple Interpretations
Author: Barfield, Andy (Editor); Gyllstad, Henrik (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 978-0-230-20348-8    
Penerbit: Palgrave Macmillan     Tempat Terbit: New York    Tahun Terbit: 2009    
Jenis: Books - Textbook
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 410.285 RES
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Introduction: Researching L2 Collocation Knowledge and Development , halaman 1-20
  2. Effects of Second Language Immersion on Second Language Collocational Development, halaman 21-33
  3. Sound Evidence: Phraseological Units in Spoken Corpora, halaman 34-48
  4. Exploring L1 and L2 Writing Development Through Collocations: A Corpus-Based Look, halaman 49-59
  5. Commentary on Part I: Learner Corpora: A Window Onto The L2 Phrasicon, halaman 60-68
  6. Towards Collocational Webs for Presenting Collocations in Learners' Dictionaries, halaman 69-85
  7. Japanese Learners' Collocation Dictionary Retrieval Performance, halaman 86-98
  8. Designing Pedagogic Materials to Improve Awareness and Productive Use of L2 Collocations, halaman 99-113
  9. Commentary on Part II: Exploring Materials for The Study of L2 Collocations, halaman 114-124
  10. Evaluating A New Test of Whole English Collocations, halaman 125-138
  11. Toward an Assessment of Learners' Receptive and Productive Syntagmatic Knowledge, halaman 139-152
  12. Designing and Evaluating Tests of Receptive Collocation Knowledge: COLLEX and COLLMATCH, halaman 153-170
  13. Commentary on Part III: Developing and Validating Tests of L2 Collocation Knowledge, halaman 171-180
  14. Collocation Learning Through an 'AWARE' Approach: Learner Perspectives and Learning Process, halaman 181-193
  15. Learning Collocations Through Attention-Drawing Techniques: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, halaman 194-207
  16. Following Individuals' L2 Collocation Development Over Time , halaman 208-223
  17. Commentary on Part IV: Processes in The Development of L2 Collocational Knowledge-A Challenge for Language Learners, Researchers and Teachers, halaman 224-231
  18. Conclusion: Navigating L2 Collocation Research, halaman 232-266

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