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JurnalDevelopment and Psychopathology vol. 24 no. 2 (May 2012)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0954-5794    Year:: 2012    Bulan: 05    Edisi: Mei 2012    
Penerbit: Cambridge University Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Development and Psychopathology]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: DD21.22
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Risk and resilience in development and psychopathology: The legacy of Norman Garmezy , halaman 333 - 334
  2. Biologically flavored perspectives on Garmezian resilience, halaman 335-344
  3. Resilience in developmental psychopathology: Contributions of the Project Competence Longitudinal Study, halaman 345-361
  4. Biologically flavored perspectives on Garmezian resilience, halaman 363-369
  5. How can the study of physiological reactivity contribute to our understanding of adversity and resilience processes in development?, halaman 371-387
  6. Distinguishing differential susceptibility from diathesis–stress: Recommendations for evaluating interaction effects, halaman 389-409
  7. Gene × Environment interaction and resilience: Effects of child maltreatment and serotonin, corticotropin releasing hormone, dopamine, and oxytocin genes, halaman 411-427
  8. Are Affluent Youth Truly “at Risk”? Vulnerability and Resilience Across three Diverse Samples, halaman 429-449
  9. The Adaptation and Well-being of Adolescent Immigrants in Greek Schools: A Multilevel, Longitudinal Study of Risks and Resources, halaman 451-473
  10. Adapting to aging out: Profiles of risk and resilience among emancipated foster youth, halaman 475-492
  11. Resilience in the Transition to Adulthood, halaman 493-505
  12. Childhood Personality as a Harbinger of Competence and Resilience in Adulthood, halaman 507-528
  13. The Puzzle of Schizophrenia: Tracking the Core Role of Cognitive Deficits, halaman 529-536
  14. In Their Own Words: The Experience of Mothering as a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse, halaman 537-552
  15. Children and War: Risk, Resilience, and Recovery, halaman 553-558
  16. Changes in Adolescents' Risk Factors Following Peer Sexual Coercion: Evidence for a Feedback Loop, halaman 559-571
  17. Personality of Parents with Bipolar Disorder and Interpersonal Functioning Among Their Offspring: A Prospective 10-year Study, halaman 573-587
  18. In Search of Security: The Latent Structure of the Adult Attachment Interview Revisited, halaman 589-606
  19. A Longitudinal Study of Self-Efficacy and Depressive Symptoms in Youth of a North American Plains Tribe, halaman 607-622
  20. Dissociation Between Affective Sharing and Emotion Understanding in Juvenile Psychopaths, halaman 623-636
  21. Physiological Correlates of Peer Victimization and Aggresion in African American Urban Adolescents, halaman 637-650
  22. Verbal Mediation of Cognition in Children with Specific Language Impairment, halaman 651-660
  23. Affective and Physiological Responses to Stress in Girls at Elevated Risk for Depression, halaman 661-675
  24. Children's Vagal Regulatory Capacity Predicts Attenuated Sympathetic Stress Reactivity in a Socially Supportive Context Evidence for a Protective Effect of the Vagal System, halaman 677-689
  25. Explaining the Longitudinal Association Between Puberty and Depression: Sex Differences in the Mediating Effects of Peer Stress, halaman 691-701

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