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JurnalThe Economist ( vol. 401 no. 8759 (Nov. 2011)
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2011    Bulan: 11    Edisi: 12 Nov 2011    
Penerbit: The Economist Newspaper
Jenis: Bulletin/Magazine
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal The Economist (]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: EE29.69
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Staring Into the Abyss, halaman 3-4
  2. Destructive Creation; Austerity, halaman 6-8
  3. Beyond the Fringe; Anti-EU Backlash, halaman 8-10
  4. The Nico and Angela Show; Europe's Big Two, halaman 10-12
  5. Look At It This Way; Non-members, halaman 13-14
  6. Open the Skies; Airline Alliances, halaman 14-16
  7. Making Do; After the Crisis, halaman 14-16
  8. Nuclear Iran, Anxious Israel; Conflict in the Middle East, halaman 16-18
  9. Addio, Slivio; The Italian Crisis, halaman 27-28
  10. No Mercy; China's Restive Tibetan Regions, halaman 33-34
  11. Second Coming; Pakistan and the Rise of Imran Khan, halaman 34-35
  12. Hunting for Votes; The Politics of the South, halaman 39-40
  13. The Thirsty Road Ahead; Water in Texas, halaman 44-45
  14. Tomorrow and Tomorrow; Greece's Dysfunctional Politics, halaman 54-56
  15. The Mayors Show; Reshaping Local Government, halaman 59-60
  16. Herr and Madame, Senor and Mrs; International Marriage, halaman 63-66
  17. Of Emperors and Kings; State Capitalism in China, halaman 67-68
  18. What Do You Do When You Reach the Top?; South Korea's Economy, halaman 75-77
  19. Drought Warning; The Euro Crisis and Emerging Markets, halaman 79-80
  20. Old Crocs; What Ate Dinosaurs?, halaman 87-88
  21. Throwing Money into Space; Astronomy, halaman 88-89
  22. A Very Short History of the Crisis; The Causes, halaman 5
  23. Leaders; That's All, Folks, halaman 13
  24. Large It Up; America's Deficit, halaman 14
  25. Big Cities, Small Plans; Elected Mayors, halaman 18
  26. Rushing For the Exits; Europe's Debt Crisis, halaman 29
  27. That Sinking Feeling; Italy's Economy, halaman 30
  28. The Happening Place; South-East Asian Summitry, halaman 36
  29. Hints of a Deal or a Flase Dawn?; The Deficit Supercommittee, halaman 42
  30. Not So Retiring; California's Public Pensions, halaman 45
  31. Top Dog Down; Security in Colombia, halaman 47
  32. A Risky Venture; Business in Cuba, halaman 48
  33. That's Right, Iceman. I am Dangerous; Israel Squares Up to Iran, halaman 49
  34. All too Friendly; Libya and its Allies, halaman 50
  35. Not Doing Well; Egypt's Military Leaders, halaman 51
  36. Groping Forward; Nigeria's New Government, halaman 52
  37. A Case of the Sniffles; Germany's Economy, halaman 53
  38. The Belt-tightener-in-chief; France's Public Finances, halaman 56
  39. Fun and Games; London 2012, halaman 61
  40. Economies of Scale Made Steel; Shipping, halaman 68
  41. Nasty. But Rarer; Sexual Harassment, halaman 70
  42. The Airmiles-high Clubs; Airline Alliances, halaman 72
  43. Fright Simulator; Too Big to Fail, halaman 81
  44. Asia's Rice Bowl; Rice, halaman 82
  45. A Few Blots in the Copybook; The Rorschach Test, halaman 89

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