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JN: The Journal of Nutrition vol. 140 no. 03 (Mar. 2010)
(EN )
Mar 2010
ASN (American Society for Nutrition)
Journal - ilmiah internasional
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JN: The Journal of Nutrition
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Maternal Micronutrient Deficiency, Fetal Development, and the Risk of Chronic Disease
, halaman 437-445
Laboratory, Epidemiological, and Human Intervention Studies Show That Tea (Camellia sinensis) May Be Useful in the Prevention of Obesity
, halaman 446-453
Cholecalciferol Supplementation throughout Winter Does Not Affect Markers of Bone Turnover in Healthy Young and Elderly Adults
, halaman 454-460
Early Weaning Reduces Small Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase Expression in Pigs
, halaman 461-468
Predicted Apparent Digestion of Energy-Yielding Nutrients Differs between the Upper and Lower Digestive Tracts in Rats and Humans
, halaman 469-476
Dietary Phosphate Restriction Decreases Stem Cell Proliferation and Subsequent Growth Potential in Neonatal Pigs
, halaman 477-482
Dietary Supplementation with Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria Is Well Tolerated and Not Associated with Adverse Events during Late Pregnancy and Early Infancy
, halaman 483-488
Multidrug Resistance Proteins Restrain the Intestinal Absorption of trans-Resveratrol in Rats
, halaman 489-495
Isoleucine Prevents the Accumulation of Tissue Triglycerides and Upregulates the Expression of PPAR{alpha} and Uncoupling Protein in Diet-Induced Obese Mice
, halaman 496-500
Elevated Circulating LDL Phenol Levels in Men Who Consumed Virgin Rather Than Refined Olive Oil Are Associated with Less Oxidation of Plasma LDL
, halaman 501-508
Changes in Intestinal Bifidobacteria Levels Are Associated with the Inflammatory Response in Magnesium-Deficient Mice
, halaman 509-514
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Ameliorates Inflammation-Induced Colorectal Cancer in Mice through Activation of PPAR{gamma}
, halaman 515-521
Analytical Recovery of Folate and Its Degradation Products in Human Serum Stored at –25°C for up to 29 Years
, halaman 522-526
Dietary Anthocyanin-Rich Bilberry Extract Ameliorates Hyperglycemia and Insulin Sensitivity via Activation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase in Diabetic Mice
, halaman 527-533
Constipation Is Relieved More by Rye Bread Than Wheat Bread or Laxatives without Increased Adverse Gastrointestinal Effects
, halaman 534-541
Vitamin D Intake Needed to Maintain Target Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in Participants with Low Sun Exposure and Dark Skin Pigmentation Is Substantially Higher Than Current Recommendations
, halaman 542-550
Vitamin D Supplement Consumption Is Required to Achieve a Minimal Target 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration of =75 nmol/L in Older People
, halaman 551-556
Maternal Folate and Cobalamin Status Predicts Vitamin Status in Newborns and 6-Month-Old Infants
, halaman 557-564
Dietary Protein Intake throughout Childhood Is Associated with the Timing of Puberty
, halaman 565-571
Infant Birth Size Is Not Associated with Maternal Intake and Status of Folate during the Second Trimester in Norwegian Pregnant Women
, halaman 572-579
Soy Product and Isoflavone Intakes Are Associated with a Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Overweight Japanese Women
, halaman 580-586
Whole and Refined Grain Intakes Are Related to Inflammatory Protein Concentrations in Human Plasma
, halaman 587-594
Three-Phase Model Harmonizes Estimates of the Maximal Suppression of Parathyroid Hormone by 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in Persons 65 Years of Age and Older
, halaman 595-599
Dietary Flavonol Intake May Lower Stroke Risk in Men and Women
, halaman 600-604
Organoleptic Properties, Ease of Use, and Perceived Health Effects Are Determinants of Acceptability of Micronutrient Supplements among Poor Mexican Women
, halaman 605-611
Cash and In-Kind Transfers in Poor Rural Communities in Mexico Increase Household Fruit, Vegetable, and Micronutrient Consumption but Also Lead to Excess Energy Consumption
, halaman 612-617
Maternal Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation Has Limited Impact on Micronutrient Status of Bangladeshi Infants Compared with Standard Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation
, halaman 618-624
Active Malaria Morbidity Management Has Limited Impact on Height Status of Preschool Senegalese Children
, halaman 625-629
Zinc Supplementation for Four Months Does Not Affect Growth in Young North Indian Children
, halaman 630-634
Perinatal Nutritional Iron Deficiency Impairs Noradrenergic-Mediated Synaptic Efficacy in the CA1 Area of Rat Hippocampus
, halaman 642-647
The Developmental Origins, Mechanisms, and Implications of Metabolic Syndrome
, halaman 648-652
Role of Early Hormonal and Nutritional Experiences in Shaping Feeding Behavior and Hypothalamic Development
, halaman 653-657
Metabolic Programming Due to Alterations in Nutrition in the Immediate Postnatal Period
, halaman 658-661
Mechanisms Linking Suboptimal Early Nutrition and Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity
, halaman 662-666
Guidance for Substantiating the Evidence for Beneficial Effects of Probiotics: Current Status and Recommendations for Future Research
, halaman 671S-676S
Guidance for Substantiating the Evidence for Beneficial Effects of Probiotics: Impact of Probiotics on Digestive System Metabolism
, halaman 677S-689S
Guidance for Substantiating the Evidence for Beneficial Effects of Probiotics: Probiotics in Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease and the Functional Disorder Irritable Bowel Syndrome
, halaman 690S-697S
Guidance for Substantiating the Evidence for Beneficial Effects of Probiotics: Prevention and Management of Infections by Probiotics
, halaman 698S-712S
Guidance for Substantiating the Evidence for Beneficial Effects of Probiotics: Prevention and Management of Allergic Diseases by Probiotics
, halaman 713S-721S
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