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BukuHandbook of motivational counseling: concepts, approaches, and assessment
Author: Cox, W. Miles (Editor); Klinger, Eric (Editor)
Topik: Counseling; Psychotherapy; Motivation (Psychology)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-470-84517-1    
Penerbit: John Wiley & Sons     Tempat Terbit: Chichester    Tahun Terbit: 2004    
Jenis: Books - Reference
Fulltext: Handbook of Motivational Counseling-Concepts, Approaches, an.pdf (5.08MB; 21 download)
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Motivation is a pervasive force that can affect well-being in a variety of life situations, from the more minor through to the ability to overcome addictions and other serious psychological problems. This book presents empirically supported theories (featuring current concerns theory), questionnaires based on these theories (highlighting the Motivational Structure Questionnaire) and varied interventions based on these, with special emphasis on Systematic Motivational Counselling but also including chapters on such approaches as Personality Systems Interaction Theory, expectancy-based approaches, Motivational Interviewing, logotherapy and several others.
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Motivation and the Theory of Current Concerns, halaman 3-28
  2. Motivation and Addiction: The Role of Incentive Motivation in Understanding and Treating Addictive Disorders, halaman 29-48
  3. Behavioral Economics: Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications, halaman 49-64
  4. Personal Project Pursuit: On Human Doings and Well-Beings, halaman 65-82
  5. Goal Conflicts: Concepts, Findings, and Consequences for Psychotherapy, halaman 83-98
  6. Motivational Counseling in an Extended Functional Context: Personality Systems Interaction Theory and Assessment, halaman 99-120
  7. A Motivational Model of Alcohol Use: Determinants of Use and Change, halaman 121-139
  8. Measuring Motivation: The Motivational Structure Questionnaire and Personal Concerns Inventory, halaman 141-176
  9. The Motivational Structure Questionnaire and Personal Concerns Inventory: Psychometric Properties, halaman 177-198
  10. Volitional and Emotional Correlates of the Motivational Structure Questionnaire: Further Evidence for Construct Validity, halaman 199-216
  11. Systematic Motivational Counseling: The Motivational Structure Questionnaire in Action, halaman 217-238
  12. Systematic Motivational Counseling in Groups: Clarifying Motivational Structure during Psychotherapy, halaman 239-258
  13. Systematic Motivational Analysis as Part of a Self-Help Technique Aimed at Personal Goal Attainment, halaman 259-282
  14. Systematic Motivational Counseling atWork: Improving Employee Performance, Satisfaction, and Socialization, halaman 283-300
  15. Systematic Motivational Counseling in Rehabilitation Settings, halaman 301-318
  16. Assessing and Changing Motivation to Offend, halaman 319-335
  17. Enhancing Motivation for Psychotherapy: The Elaboration of Positive Perspectives (EPOS) to Develop Clients’ Goal Structure, halaman 337-356
  18. Viktor E. Frankl’s Existential Analysis and Logotherapy, halaman 357-372
  19. Changing Alcohol Expectancies: Techniques for Altering Motivations for Drinking, halaman 373-388
  20. The Motivational Drinker’s Check-Up: A Brief Intervention for Early-Stage Problem Drinkers, halaman 389-408
  21. Motivational Enhancement as a Brief Intervention for College Student Drinkers, halaman 409-419
  22. Community Reinforcement Approach and Contingency Management Interventions for Substance Abuse, halaman 421-438
  23. Goal-Setting as a Motivational Technique for Neurorehabilitation, halaman 439-456
  24. Motivational Interviewing in Health Promotion and Behavioral Medicine, halaman 457-478
  25. Motivational Counseling: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, halaman 479-487

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