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JurnalPediatric Clinics of North America vol. 42 no. 01 (Jan. 1995)
Topik: Pediatrics
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0031-3955    Year:: 1995    Bulan: 01    Edisi: feb 1995    
Penerbit: W.B. Saunders
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Pediatric Clinics of North America]
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: P13.K.1995.01
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Toward Multiculturality: Implications for the Pediatrician , halaman 21.
  2. Working With Families: Opportunities for Early Intervention , halaman 1.
  3. No Child Is an Island: Contextual Pediatrics and the “New” Health Supervision , halaman 79.
  4. The First Interview With a Family , halaman 119.
  5. Brief Solution-Focused Strategies for Behavioral Pediatrics , halaman 131.
  6. Understanding and Helping Families with Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Special Needs , halaman 143.
  7. Family-Oriented Pediatric Care: Taking the Next Step , halaman 11.
  8. Beyond the Nuclear Family: Resources and Implications for the Pediatricians , halaman 31.
  9. Promoting Resilience in Families Experiencing Stress , halaman 47.
  10. Beyond Anticipatory Guidance: Parenting and the Family Life Cycle , halaman 65.
  11. The Influence of Families on Child Health: Family Behaviors and Child Outcomes , halaman 89.
  12. The Referral Role of Pediatricians , halaman 103.
  13. Family Violence: A Child-Centered, Family-Focused Approach , halaman 153.
  14. Recognizing the Impact of Marital Discord and Parental Depression on Children: A Family-Centered Approach , halaman 167.
  15. Best Interests of the Child in the Family and Community, halaman 181
  16. Training for Family-Oriented Pediatric Care: Issues and Options , halaman 193
  17. When Community Resources Fail: Assisting the Frightened or Angry Parent , halaman 209
  18. Alcoholism In Adolescents and Their Families: Family-Focused Assessment and Management , halaman 217

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