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ArtikelThe 'More-Abortions' Objection to Fetal Tissue Transplantation  
Oleh: Gillam, Lynn
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy vol. 23 no. 4 (Aug. 1998), page 411-427.
Topik: Abortion; Fetal Tissue Transplantation; Non-Consequentialism
Fulltext: MM80V23N4P411.pdf (48.47KB)
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Isi artikelOne common objection to fetal tissue transplantation (FTT) is that, if it were to become a standard form of treatment, it would encourage or entrench the practice of abortion. This claim is at least factually plausible, although it cannot be definitively established. However, even if true, it does not constitute a compelling ethical argument against FTT. The harm allegedly brought about by FTT, when assessed by widely accepted non-consequentialist criteria, has limited moral significance. Even if FTT would cause more abortions to be performed, and abortion is taken to be a serious moral wrong, this is not sufficient in itself to make FTT wrong.
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