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JurnalNature Biotechnology: The Science and Business of Biotechnology vol. 23 no. 3 (Mar. 2005)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 1087-0156    Year:: 2005    Bulan: Maret    Edisi: Mar 2005    
Penerbit: Nature Publishing Group
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Nature Biotechnology: The Science and Business of Biotechnology]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: NN9.2
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. A Dose of Reality for Rational Therapies, halaman 267-268
  2. Synthetic Biology Offers Alternative Pathways to Natural Products, halaman 270-271
  3. Cost - Effectiveness Data on Biologics Needed, halaman 272-273
  4. Japanese Giants Renew Interest in Industrial Biotech, halaman 275-276
  5. News in Brief, halaman 277-280
  6. Agbio Keeps on Growing, halaman 281-282
  7. Clone on The Range : What Animal Biotech is Bringing to The Table, halaman 283-286
  8. Vaccines Why The U. S. Government Must Act, halaman 287 (1)
  9. Tomato Transgene Structure and Silencing, halaman 287-290
  10. Serum Proteomics Profiling - A Young Technology Begins to Mature, halaman 291-292
  11. Bugs or Drugs, Tortoises or Hares ?, halaman 293-294
  12. Fahrenheit Agbiotech, halaman 295-296
  13. In Biomarkers We Trust?, halaman 297-304
  14. Plug and Play with RNA, halaman 306-307
  15. Adding Diversity to Plant Transformation, halaman 309-310
  16. Research Highlights, halaman 311-312
  17. Looking and Listening to Light : The Evolution of Whole - Body Photonic Imaging, halaman 313-320
  18. Adeno - Associated Virus Serotype 8 Efficiently Delivers Genes to Muscle and Heart, halaman 321-328
  19. A Small Molecule Kinase Interaction Map for Clinical Kinase Inhibitors, halaman 329-336
  20. Programmbale Ligand - Controlled Riboregulators of Eukaryotic Gene Experssion, halaman 337-343
  21. Generation of High - Affinity Human Antibodies by Combining Donor - Derived and Synthetic Complementarity - Determining Region Diversity, halaman 344-348
  22. Directed Evolution of Human T-Cell Receptors with Picomolar Affinities by Phage Display, halaman 349-354
  23. Evolutionary Optimization of Fluorescent Proteins for Intracellular FRET, halaman 355-360
  24. Microfabricated Arrays of Femtoliter Chambers Allow Single Molecule Enzymology, halaman 361-365
  25. Erythropoietin in The UK : A Setback for Gene Patents ?, halaman 367-368
  26. Recent Patent Applications in Proteomics, halaman 369-370
  27. New on The Market, halaman 371-372
  28. Toward Data Standards for Proteomics, halaman 373-376
  29. Chemogenomic Profiling on a Genome - Wide Scale Using Revers - Engineered Gene Networks, halaman 377-384
  30. Spanish Wishful Thinking Towards Biotech, halaman 385-386
  31. Building a Strategy for Maximizing Intellectual Property Value, halaman 387-390
  32. Conflict Resolution in The Biotech Industry, halaman 391-393
  33. Maturing Biotechs Turn to Pharma's Markets, halaman 269
  34. Biotech Consulting, Investing by NIH Scientists Curbed, halaman 274
  35. Breaking The Barriers to Global Gene Delivery, halaman 305
  36. Interaction Maps for Kinase Inhibitors, halaman 308
  37. Errata, halaman 366
  38. People, halaman 394

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