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JurnalFamily Relations vol. 40 no. 01 (Jan. 1991)
Topik: F17; Keluarga; Psikologi; Pendidikan; Lansia
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0197-6664    Year:: 1991    Bulan: 01    Edisi: Januari 1991    
Penerbit: A Publication of the National Council on Family Relations
Jenis: Bulletin/Magazine
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Family Relations]
  • Perpustakaan PKPM
    • Nomor Panggil: F17
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Thinking and knowledge underlying expertise in parenting: comparisons between expert and novice mothers, halaman 3-13
  2. The darkside of courtship: violence and sexual exploitation, halaman 14-20
  3. Adult attachment patterns and courtship violence, halaman 21-28
  4. Contextual factors surrounding conflict resolution while dating: results from a national study, halaman 29-36
  5. Courtship violence in a Canadian sample of male college students, halaman 37-44
  6. Psychological resources, coping strategies, and negotiation styles as discriminators of violence in dating relationships, halaman 45-50
  7. Sex differences in motivations and effects in dating violence, halaman 51-57
  8. Social contexts and social learning in sexual coercion and aggression: assessing the contribution of fraternity membership, halaman 58-64
  9. Acquaintance rape and the college social scene, halaman 65-71
  10. Cognitive styles and socialized attitudes of men who batter: where should we intervene?, halaman 72-77
  11. The risk of abusive violence among children with nongenetic caretakers, halaman 78-83
  12. Migrant farm child abuse and neglect within an ecosystem framework, halaman 84-90
  13. Attitudes on dating, courtship, and marriage: perspectives on in-group versus out-group relationships by religious minority and majority adolescents, halaman 91-96
  14. Marital status and personal well-being: a literature review, halaman 97-102
  15. Couples' perception of stressfulness of death of the family pet, halaman 103-105
  16. On the road to tenure, halaman 106-109

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