Anda belum login :: 12 Mar 2025 02:31 WIB
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Search Instructions:
  • Input is not case-sensitive.
  • Logical operators can be used in search criteria with the keywords NOT, AND, OR. These operators must be written in uppercase (case-sensitive).
  • The use of the NOT operator can be abbreviated with the "-" (minus) sign.
  • Words in the search criteria that consist of less than 3 characters (letters/digits) will not be included in the search process.
  • Search criteria may contain phrases (several words in quotation marks that will be used as is).
    For example: "system programming"
  • To include a search with words consisting of less than 3 characters, use the "+" (plus) sign.
    For example: To search for a collection titled "Basics of Physics 2," enter the search criteria: Basics of Physics +II or "Basics of Physics II"
  • Valid input for the publication year field consists of numbers. It does not support the use of logical operators and phrases. Comparison operators (<, <=, =, >, >=) can be used in this field. The "-" (minus) sign in this field means number interval (instead of NOT).
    For example: 1990, =2000, >2000, >=2000, <2000, <=2000, 2000-2004
Process time: 0.078125 second(s)