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ArtikelStudi Pelestarian Bangunan Kuno di Kawasan Kampung Kuno Peneleh Surabaya  
Oleh: Artha, Y. A. ; Antariksa ; Hariyani, S.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Teknik (Engineering) vol. 18 no. 1 (Apr. 2006), page 86-94.
Topik: Preservation; Ancient Kampung
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: JJ106
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelSurabaya, as well as other cities in our country, has special characteristic that can be used as a city’s identity. As a historical city, Surabaya has inheritances both in the form of historical building, building of revolution era, and ancient kampong that is inheritance of Ujung Galuh Kingdom. One of kampong that constitutes an original kampong in Surabaya City is the area of ancient Peneleh kampong The region of Peneleh kampong is part of the history of Surabaya city, because the kampong has historical inheritances, such as Peneleh Ancient Mosque, Ancient House, Dutch Ancient Funeral Center, Funeral of Nyai Campa,, Funeral of Buyut Minggir, Funeral of Buyut Dawa, Funeral of Buyut Ma1ang, and Funeral of Buyut Bening In accompanying to the increasing of intensity of commercial activities as trading arid office, the area of ancient kampong of Peneleh is more threaten by new buildings in around of them that have more economic values but lack of identity. The new buildings are build without considering the character of building surrounds, so that they look so strange and unaesthetic, physical changes because of the new buildings do not consider about how to conserve the historical values possessed. Data used are secondary data taken from related agencies such as Building Agency, City Planning Agency, Bappeko, and BPN, and from similar research related to the preservation Primary data used in this research are taking from direct observation. interview, and questionnaires with total of samples are 86 of ancient buildings. Analysis method, which used in this research, is descriptive analysis to describe of the region and ancient building in kampong Peneleh Results of the research are (I) Descriptive of the region of ancwut kampong Peneleh include describe of landscape, land utilization, and kampong arrangement (2) Descriptive of ancient building in the area of ancient kampong Paneleh include building age, building function building possession status, KDB, KLB, treating, and building physical change.
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