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Freight Transportation Policy: Going the Distance-The Challenge of Moving Highway Freight From Origin to Destination in the 21st Century
Field, Mary
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Public Works Management & Policy vol. 6 no. 4 (Apr. 2002)
page 276-292.
Isi artikel
A significant effort is underway within the federal, state, and local transportation community to address the highway needs for freight transportation into the 21st century, but more can and should be done. Identification of deficiencies and implementation of strategies to improve the highway component of the system are essential to avoidgrid lock as the number of vehicles using the system continues to increase. This article identifies some significant freight generators and many initiatives underway to address the highway side of freight transport. A national best practices inventory wouldbe useful for policy makers. This article focuses on the highway component of the transportation system in the UnitedStates and the increasing demand for capacity resulting from domestic and international commerce in a global economy. It provides an overview of various factors and events of significance affecting traffic operations on the highway andillustr ates examples of how transportation leaders are attempting to cope.
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