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ArtikelImplementasi Peraturan Daerah (PERDA) Kota Surakarta Nomor 8 Tahun 2003 (Studi kasus pelaksanaan pemberian akta kelahiran gratis di kota surakarta)  
Oleh: Suryawati, Retno
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi: Spirit Publik: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi vol. 2 no. 2 (Oct. 2006), page 121-130.
Topik: Free Birth Certivicate; Implementation; Local Legislation Number 8 the Year of 2003; Policy
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: SS50, SS50.1
    • Non-tandon: 2 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelThe aims of the research are to analyze: (1) the implementation of Local Legislation Number 8, the year of 2003 and (2) various factors that inhibit the implementation of Local Legistation Number 8, the Year of 2003. This is a descriptive research. Samples of the research when taken through a purposive sampling method. Data of the research consisted of primary and secondary data. The data were gathered through in-depth interview, observation and documentation. To obtain valid data, the research employed a data source triangulation. The data were then analyzed by using an interactive analysis model. Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn. Firstly, each of phases in the implementation of Local Legistation Number 8, the year of 2003 has been carried out smoothly. The indirect socializations run smoothly and are quite effective In improving the knowlegde of community on Local Legistation Number 8 the Year of 2003, particularly following a large-scale socialization through Free Birth Certificate Launching Program. The implementation of direct socializations, however, through community extensions has not been optimal in terms of frequency and implementing coverage. As a result, the understanding of community on the substance of policy is low. The free birth certificate services have been run smoothly although some delays sometimes occur, particularly during the rush hours in which the number of applicants overflows. Monitoring activities have not been conducted. Yet, the Population and Civil Registry Office of Surakarta city has used the results of research done by other parties to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of Local Legislation Number 8, the year of 2003. Secondly, there are some factors that inhibit the implementation of Local Legislation Number 8, the year of 2003, namely : (1) the number of staff and the amount of fund allocated for the implementation are limited, (2) the communication between the implementer staff and the community has been less smooth, and (3) the implementer staff have had less commitments to provide easy, cheap and satisfactory services. Based on the results of the research, a recommendation is proposed that socialization activities through community extentions should be much improvide in terms of frequency and implementation coverage, the socializations should not only reach administrative village level but also cover RT (Sub-Hamlet) levels.
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