Anda belum login :: 12 Mar 2025 02:27 WIB
ArtikelNew Developments of The Shared Concern Method  
Oleh: Pikas, Anatol
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: School Psychology International vol. 23 no. 3 (Agu. 2002), page 307-326.
Topik: METHODS; development; shared concern; method
Fulltext: 307SPI233.pdf (88.51KB)
Isi artikelThe Shared Concern method (SCm) has become a well known tool for tackling actual group bullying amongst teenagers by individual talks. A decade after its launch to English readers the author reviews the original approach and describes new developments. The psychological mechanisms of healing in the bully group and what hinders the bully therapist in eliciting them have become better clarified. It is expressed in terms of know - how: (1) do not demonize the bully suspects; (2) consider the bullying as a conflict between the parties and elicit the archetype of a mediator through your behaviour; (3) prepare the summit meeting between those involved by shuttlediplomacy and (4) seal the agreement with a communication contract. The most important recent advancement of the SCm approach is its capacity to discover clandestine bullying: when a bully therapist has acquired routines in solving actual cases with SCm he or she is capable of guiding a discussion with a teenage class about the methods to deal with bullying with the result that the class entrusts conflicts including bullying to the bully therapist for mediation. Information about this mediation - centred treatment is spread amongst the students, improving the school atmosphere and introducing a model for conflict resolution for future citizens.
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