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ArtikelFamily Therapists and School Counselors: A Collaborative Endeavor  
Oleh: Rotter, Joseph C. ; Boveja, Marsha E.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The Family Journal vol. 7 no. 3 (Jul. 1999), page 276-279.
Fulltext: 276TFJ73.pdf (46.78KB)
Isi artikelWorking with families through a systemic model requires the therapist to reach out to allied professionals who may have a vested interest in and may be able to make a valuable contribution to the assessment and treatment plan for a given family. As perhaps the second most influential setting on the child’s development, the school and its professional staff can serve as an invaluable resource to the family therapist. A collaborative approach to family therapy is presented in this article.
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