Anda belum login :: 15 Mar 2025 12:35 WIB
ArtikelMeasurement of Acculturation, Scale Formats and Language Competence : Their Implications for Adjustment  
Oleh: Sun-Mee, Kang
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology ( vol. 37 no. 6 (2006), page 669-693.
Topik: ACCULTURATION; acculturation; measurement; language; adjustment
Fulltext: 669.pdf (144.1KB)
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Isi artikelThis study was conducted to test whether the lack of independence between ethnic and mainstream cultural orientations is partially due to the adoption of a specific scale format. It was hypothesized that unique structural features commonly found in bidimensional acculturation instruments (paired questions that differ only in their cultural orientations and utilize the "frequency" format) cause strong inverse associations between the two cultural orientations. This study also explored the relative importance of language competence over the other domains of acculturation in the prediction of pscyhosocial adjustment (i. e. self - esteem, perceiced stress, peer relationship, adjustment to college, family conflict). As predicted, results from a sample of 489 asian americans supported the hypothesis that the scale formats contribute to the lack of orthofonality. They also showed that language competence was a stronger predictor of adjustment than the other domains of acculturation, impliying that language competence is a better indicator of acculturation among asian americans.
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