Anda belum login :: 20 Feb 2025 07:58 WIB
ArtikelFeminisme Eksistensialis  
Oleh: Priyatna, Aquarini
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Stri: Jurnal Studi Wanita vol. 1 no. 02 (Dec. 2002), page 121-128.
Topik: women; Feminisme Eksistensialis
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    • Nomor Panggil: S91
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
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Isi artikelSimone de Beauvoir's existentialist feminist thought is one of the efforts to find the answer to the question of the root of women's oppression from patriarchal culture. Basically, existentialist feminism explains that women's oppression takes place due to the way women are perceived and perceive themselves as Other, which is positioned as Object, while men are constructed as Self, which is positioned as Subject. However, different from the thought of Sartre, who is often described as Beauvoir's mentor, according to Beauvoir, women's existence does not stop at her position being Other as being a free individual, a woman has the freedom to take choices in her life to attain the desired changes.
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