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Teaching distance education to students from emerging market countries
Makani, Bobbi
Easter, Marilyn K.
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS) Proceedings: Feb 2014; Vol. 21 (1)
page 449-459.
42 - ASBBS 2014 - p449.pdf
Isi artikel
Several studies have shown that instructor-student interaction is essential in any educational experience regardless of the learning environment, i.e., traditional face-to-face, distance education or blended learning (Anderson, Rourke, Garrison, & Archer, 2001; Andresen, 2009; Daly, Bolivar & Burke, 2010; Dennen & Smith, 2007; Eyal, 2012; Joo, Lim, & Kim, 2011). Interaction is a critical element in any educational process. While interaction between instructors and students is explicit in the traditional on-ground classroom, it is not always the case in online learning environments (Comey, 2009). Many educators feel confident that online learning will continue to account for a larger share of the way instructors teach and students learn in the coming years (DeSilets, 2013; Gwynne, 2013; Keohane, 2013). An effective learning environment should be supported by various kinds of interactions between teachers and learners (Moore, 1989). Our paper focuses on the importance of teaching presence, its interactive nature with students in the context of distance learning, and its pivotal role in determining the success of the online learning experience.
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