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ArtikelMarketing and human resources management strategies of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Western Tarlac  
Oleh: Soriano, Jerome D
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: SIBR-Thammasat 2014 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research June 5th- 7th, 2014 di Emerald Hotel Bangkok, page 1-4.
Topik: business; management; finance; marketing
Fulltext: b14-163.pdf (30.75KB)
Isi artikelThis study was conducted primarily to describe the marketing and human resources management strategies of the small and medium enterprises in Western Tarlac. To attain this objective, it made an effort to first establish the profile of the small and medium enterprises in the four towns in Western Tarlac namely Camiling, Mayantoc, Sta. Ignacia and San Clemente. Then the management strategies on marketing and human resources were determined, along with the problems associated with the use of the management strategies. The descriptive research design was used in this study. In this research, 100 respondents or samples were utilized. The stratified proportional sampling was used in the study. The respondents were selected at random. From the 100 businesses surveyed, the study revealed that majority are sole proprietorships. More than a third of the SMEs belong to the retail industry. The types of products offered by the small and medium businesses are convenience products, supplies, materials, shopping products, specialized products and unsought products. The service businesses are engaged in beauty and hair treatment, computer and internet services, printing and photo services, shoe and bag repair, memorial, catering, video rental, car wash and freight forwarding services. Seven out of ten SMEs have asset size of P 3,000,000 or less. Almost half of the businesses do not hire employees. With regard to the sources of ideas, seven out of ten businesses revealed that customers are their primary inspiration when it comes to offering new products. The competitive strategies implemented by the small and medium businesses in Western Tarlac are (in order of importance): quality, pricing, service continuous innovation, and the consideration of customer suggestion. The dominant technique utilized by the small and medium size businesses to bring customers to their stores is satisfaction for the customers. The pricing schemes used by majority are competition-based pricing and cost-based pricing. With regard to the location strategies employed by the SME sector in Western Tarlac, six out of ten of the firms placed great importance to accessibility. In terms of promotion, public relations in terms of friendly relations with the customers emerged as the most popular tool. Of the 100 firms surveyed, more than half hire employees. The most popular way of generating applicants is word of mouth; they greatly favor the importance of skill/competencies when hiring employees. Evaluation is done through informal interview and testing. Developing employee skills is done through constant supervision or coaching, among others. Half of the businesses give only fixed amount or basic pay to their employees. They motivate employees mainly by recognizing good performance. The most notable among the problems in marketing management of the small and medium businesses in Western Tarlac is low price. With regard to the human resources management concerns, the leading problem is the undermanned state of many businesses. This research may provide insights to academic and business training institutions on the management strategies employed by the small and medium enterprises in the towns in Western Tarlac.
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