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ArtikelQuality of Front Office Services of Hotels in Tarlac CityQuality of Front Office Services of Hotels in Tarlac City  
Oleh: Alamo, Criselda
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: SIBR-Thammasat 2014 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research June 5th- 7th, 2014 di Emerald Hotel Bangkok, page 1-7.
Topik: SERVQUAL; Hotel Front Office; Quality
Fulltext: b14-114.pdf (40.77KB)
Isi artikelIn Tarlac City, Philippines, hotel owners are now faced with the challenge of being able to come up with strategies on how to improve quality of service to cope up with the ever changing needs of their guest; how to adapt the SERVQUAL scale to Tarlac City’s hotels front office services becomes a research subject. In this study, it aimed to 1. What is the profile of the hotels in Tarlac City as to: look into the quality of front office services of hotels in Tarlac City. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1.1 Location 1.2 Number of Rooms 1.3 Number of Hotel Employees 1.4 Type of Clientele 1.5 Years in Operation 2. What is the level of hotel guests’ expectations and hotel guests’ perception of the actual quality of service performance of selected hotels in Tarlac City identified in terms of: 2.1 Tangibility 2.2 Reliability 2.3 Responsiveness 2.4 Assurance 2.5 Empathy 3. How is the discrepancy between hotel guests’ expectations and the hotel guests’ perception of the actual quality of service performance explained? The respondents of this study consisted of 100 guests who stayed at selected hotels in Tarlac City. The researcher chose the respondents by the convenience sampling method. The study investigated levels of quality of front office services through the expectations and perceptions of actual experiences of hotel guests. The study was conducted using self-administered questionnaires with the consent from the hotel manager/ front office manager beforehand. Data was collected from patrons who visited the selected hotels in Tarlac City. The respondents were informed that their participation was on a voluntary basis and all information provided would be kept private and confidential. Questionnaires were distributed only to those who agreed to participate in the study. The researcher then briefly explained the nature and requirement of the survey to the receptionist/ front desk clerk of each of the four participating hotels, who administered the questionnaires to the guests. The receptionist of each of the hotels asked 37 guests to answer the 1st and 2nd part of the questionnaire upon their arrival to explore the customers’ expectations. The same group of guests was asked to answer Part 3 of the questionnaire to explore the customers’ perception of the actual quality of service performance. 25 customers returned the completed questionnaire upon departure. A total of 100 filled up questionnaires were retrieved by the researcher out from 150 targeted sample size. The instrumentation employed for this research was modeled after the SERVQUAL scale developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry (1990). The findings revealed that ‘empathy’ dimension raised the highest level of expectation, whereas the ‘assurance’ dimension fulfilled the highest level of perception. The respondents view that front office services must provide high-level of personalized service at all times. ‘Responsiveness’ on the other hand, was shown to be the strongest dimension of satisfaction. Therefore, it is highly suggested that the front office staff should continue giving prompt services and to be professional at all times.
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