Anda belum login :: 14 Mar 2025 12:43 WIB
ArtikelIslamic banking and finance IBAF): across-cultural bridging institution for the 21st century  
Oleh: Ali, Ameer
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: SIBR-Thammasat 2014 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research June 5th- 7th, 2014 di Emerald Hotel Bangkok, page 1-14.
Fulltext: b14-046.pdf (199.1KB)
Isi artikelIslamic Banking and Finance (IBAF) in its current form is an industry born out of a resurgent wave of Islamism in the post-1970 era. Its growth and spread over the last four decades, in spite of a crisis ridden monetary world,has been impressive although not threatening the dominance of conventional banking and finance (CBAF).The growth of the Islamic bond (sukuk) market in particular has caught the attention of non-Muslim leaders and financial institutions. Although IBAF is relatively minisculein size and subject to operational and ideological shortcomings yet it is proving to be a dependable ethical solution to a greedy financial world ruled by economic rationalism. In an environment of ‘structural globalization and cultural fragmentation’ IBAF has the potential to becomea cross-cultural bridging institution.
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