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The development of potential natural resource in kangean islands sumenep as an effort to minimize migrant workers problems
Mafruhah, Izza
Sarsito, Totok
Gravitiani, Evi
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
SIBR-Thammasat 2014 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research June 5th- 7th, 2014 di Emerald Hotel Bangkok
page 1-2.
Analytical Heirarchy Process
local government
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The problems of Indonesian Migrant Workers is a vicious circle and should be resolved soon. Results of the study in 2012, showed that workers expect to be able to work in the country. On the other hand, Indonesia has abundant natural resources and deserves to be developed as an economic driving force. This study takes the research area districts Arjasa Sumenep Kangean island of East Java, because it is one of the workers. The purpose of this study was (1) to identify the environmental resources that could be developed in the enclave of migrant workers in particular (2) to analyze the socio-economic conditions of the people in the islands Kangean and compare the economic conditions of the families of migrant and non-migrant workers. (3) Analyze the factors that affect the workforce to go home and work on Kangean. Analysis tools used in this study is Geographic Information Systems, Descriptive statistics and Analytical Heirarchy Process. The research will use the respondents, former migrants, family migrants and other compounds within the local government. The results showed the factors that influence people's desire to remain in Kangean after return of migrants consists of 3 priority for the first level, namely (a) the territorial dimension (b) internal factors da (c) external factors. While the second level is for the territorial dimension consists of (a1) accessibility, (a2) infrastructure facilities (a3) potential environmental resources and (a4) government policy. On internal factors influence the priority is (b1) equity, (b2) community social capital, (b3) owned production, and (b4) level of education. On external factors that affect the priority is (c1) investments in, (c2) marketing, (c3) development of product quality
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