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ArtikelThe Challenges and Successes of Developing a Literacy Community in a Minority Language in Western Canada: An Action Research Study  
Oleh: Bilash, Olenka S. E.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Foreign Language Annals (Full Text; di PROQUEST 2004 - terbaru) vol. 35 no. 3 (2002), page 307-319.
Fulltext: 35_03_Bilash.pdf (1.01MB)
Isi artikelThis article describes a community action research study in the spirit of Caw and Kemmis (1 983) and Elliot (1 991). Language leaders in the Ukrainian community undertook a complex literacy initiative to investigate and improve Ukrainian-English bilingualism lbiliteracy in Western Canada and throughout the diaspora. In the context of the long-teim absence of research fundingfor developing and maintaining literacy in nonmajority or nonofficial languages, this article documents project activities over several years, presents the findings of student/teacher needs assessments, shares the approach to reading prefewed by participating teachers, and reveals some of the transformations teachers experienced in their own thinking about bilingualism and biliteracy as a result of their involvement in this initiative
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