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ArtikelExpanding Schumann's Pidginization Hypothesis.  
Oleh: Andersen, Roger W.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Language Learning: A Journal of Research in Language Studies (Full Text) vol. 29 no. 1 (Jun. 1979), page 105-120.
Fulltext: 29_01_Andersen.pdf (1.11MB)
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 Lihat Detail Induk
Isi artikel$chumann (1978b), in addressing criticism of his Pidgmuation Hy- pothesis for eecond language acquisition, elaborates further on the rela- tionship between pidginuatroncreoluationdecreolization and second language acquisition and revises and improves on his model I propose a further revision and expansion of Schumann’s model that distinguishes socmcultural aspects of the pidgmmatron cycle from the acquisitional processes of pidgmization, creolization and degeolizatron and that relatea a wder range of language acquisition phenomena to each other This nded version of Schumann’s model puts creolization back into the ex el and also adds depidgmization and first language acquisiuon to it Pldgmiza tion/depldgmiza tion, creol iza tioudecreol iza tion and first and second language acquisition are h rein considered related acquisitional phenomena whieh develop under 3 itferent circumstances as specific in- stancee of the more general axmxunng but oppoeing pmcessea of nahurur- hon and drrwtwrtohon.
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