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ArtikelProfiles of the relationship between phonology and language in late talkers  
Oleh: Tyler, Ann A.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Child Language Teaching and Therapy (Full Text & ada di PROQUEST) vol. 8 no. 3 (Oct. 1992), page 246.
Fulltext: Child Language Teaching and Therapy-1992-Tyler-246-64.pdf (1.06MB)
Isi artikelhe Address for 246 of focus of relationship and Nevada, Correspondence: Nell J. Redfield Building, Reno, Reno Ann A. NV language this article is on the language development relationship in children who were expressive language development retrospective a year or review longer of is Tyler, Department 89557-0046, USA. between in late talkers between of phonological identified at 21 to 32 months 12 children who were Speech Pathology & and as slow in of age. A detailed followed for phonological information from and phonological presented. Lexical, syntactic, clinical records was domains were jects displayed phonological analysed and six months to to determine developing commensurately. and language if language All sub- behaviours that were com- mensurate at their initial evaluation. At the one-year follow-up point, delay. 25% The of the subjects majority of subjects longer displayed language rate. For half of the developmental language logical and language no and longer displayed were still delayed phonological subjects, phonological level. domains an in data expressive language development and no skills that were commensu- behaviours Profiles regarding separate are lagged the time when proposed, and variables related to outcomes, such as the Introduction Preschool children who exhibit a language, academic, Nation, 1984; focus of intervention, language and social difficulties Aram and Padget, 1988; Silva, Nation, 1980; King, Williams and on the results from several preschoolers with studies, behind phono- are discussed. disorder are at risk for
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