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Emerging migrant churches in the Netherlands: missiological challenges and mission frontiers
Noort, Gerrit
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
International Review of Mission vol. 100 no. 392 (Apr. 2011)
page 4.
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Emerging migrant churches in the Netherlands are a visible sign of a changed society. These changes demand rethinking of missiological challenges and "mission frontiers". In this process sentiments of the Dutch population towards immigrants need to be addressed. Since the murders of right-wing politician Pim Fortuyn and film producer Theo van Gogh, existing tensions in society and feelings of fear can neither be neglected nor downplayed. Referring to three examples of newly emerged multicultural churches, the author comments on how these communities shape their church and mission. He argues that migrant churches are missional by definition in their focus on internal, external or common mission. In discussing the response to migrant's theologies, he argues that true dialogue is often precluded by reductionist tendencies. More opportunities for theological training of the leadership of migrant churches, on their own terms, are mentioned as an important challenge. Defining one's own Christian identity anew in the changed context is seen as vital for true dialogue and connectedness.
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