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Talking to Learn: The Voices of Children, Aged 9–11, Engaged in Role-play
Lyle, Sue
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Language and Education (Full Text) vol. 16 no. 4 (2002)
page 303-317.
Vol. 16, No. 4, p 303-317.pdf
Isi artikel
A whole class of primary school children were video-recorded whilst engaged in a role-play activity.Their discussionwas transcribedand analysed drawing on the work of Bahktin, Vygotsky and Bruner. The paper argues that the transcript provides support for the view that children’s learning can be seen as a socio-historically and culturally constituted dialogical process of meaningmaking. It draws in particular on Bakhtin’s ideas about the power of dialogic engagement to establish meaning, and Bruner’s view that narrative understanding is a primary meaning-making tool. The paper has implications for the use of role-play in primary classrooms as a tool capable of promoting high levels of pupil involvement in ways that can promote critical thinking and sophisticated powers of reasoning. This paper has particular significance for those concerned to include thinking skills in curriculum planning. The content of the role-play: the future of tropical rainforests,will also be of interestedto those concerned with education for sustainability.
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