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K Dixez? A Corpus Study Of Spanish Internet Orthography
Gries, Stefan TH.
Myslin, Mark
Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi:
Literary and Linguistic Computing vol. 25 no. 1 (Apr. 2010)
page 85-104.
Vol 25, 1, p 85-104.pdf
Isi artikel
New technologies have always influenced communication, by adding new ways of communication to the existing ones and/or changing the ways in which existing forms of communication are utilized. This is particularly obvious in the way in which computer-mediated communication (CMC) has had an impact on communication. In this exploratory article, we are concerned with some characteristics of a newly evolving form of Spanish Internet orthography that differ from standard Spanish spelling. Three types of deviations from ‘the norm’ are considered: a reduction (post-vocalic d/[] deletion in -ado), a transformation (namely the spelling change from ch to x), and reduplication (of characters). Based on a corpus of approximately 2.7 million words of regionally balanced informal internet Spanish compiled in 2008, we describe the spelling changes and discuss a variety of sometimes interacting factors governing the rates of spelling variants such as overall frequency effects, functional (pragmatic, sociolinguistic, and iconicity-related) characteristics, and phonological constraints. We also compare our findings to data from Mark Davies’s (2002) Corpus del Espan˜ol (100 million words, 1200s–1900s, as well as other sources and relate them to the discussion of the register/genre of Internet language.
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