Indonesia is a country of 17,000 islands with the total territorial waters of Indonesia is 77% of the total area of Indonesia. To develop a national logistics system, a sea toll concept is currently being developed. The sea toll in question is effective marine connectivity where there are ships that sail regularly from west to the eastern regions of Indonesia. With the development of sea toll concept is expected to reduce logistics costs for distribution to the eastern region of Indonesia. Currently there are maritime toll trails for delivery to Papua. However, this route does not cover all ports in Papua, so the distribution of goods is still being done by land and air routes.
In this study, we will design the container delivery route in Papua. The delivery of containers in this study came from the ports of Tanjung Perak and Makassar. This route involves using an existing port in Papua consisting of 3 hub ports and 7 feeder ports. Route determination using Integer Linear Programming, where modeling will be solved with enumeration. From the calculation results obtained 54 alternative routes and from 54 alternative is obtained 22 optimal container shipping routes in Papua. |