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ArtikelSeluk Beluk Menopause  
Oleh: Ghani, Lannywati
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan vol. 19 no. 04 (Dec. 2009), page 193-197.
Topik: woman; menstrual period; menopause; healthy
Fulltext: M45 Vol 19, No 4 Des (2009) p193.PDF (436.88KB)
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Isi artikelMenopause, especially the symptoms and complications, is always an interesting topic to be discussed. It is actually a normal part of woman's life entering ages of 50. The symptoms of menopause are highly individual to each woman. Some may experience multiple physical and psychological symptoms that may continue to social impacts. Misinterpretation as other disease symptoms could happen and lead to incorrect treatment. Many studies have been done to learn more about the menopause physiological process, symptoms, complication, and treatment. So many preventive and treatment options are offered, including hormone therapy and practicing healthy life style. By understanding the menopause, it is expected that symptoms could be controlled and complications could be avoided.
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