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Syncope During Pregnancy
Yarlagadda, Sirisha
Poma, Pedro A
Green, Larry S
Katz, Vern
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Obstetrics and Gynecology vol. 115 no. 2, Part 1 (Feb. 2010)
page 377-380.
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CASE: While shopping, a 22-year-old, primigravid wo¬man at 26 weeks of gestation felt dizzy, lightheaded, nau¬seous, and diaphoretic, and collapsed on the floor. She was continent of both urine and stool. She was brought by ambulance to the emergency room. During the ambulance ride, she was confused, her blood pressure was 118/70 mm Hg, her pulse was 82 beats per minute, and her respiratory rate was 20 breaths per minute. At the birthing center, 30 minutes after the incident, her vital signs remained normal. She was oriented to person, time, and place. She still felt dizzy but her other symptoms had resolved. Her heart and lungs were nor¬mal by auscultation, and digital oxygen saturation was 98%. Fetal heart tones were regular, with moderate variability and fetal accelerations and no decelerations. She was not contracting and her uterus was soft. She had no cerebrovascular accident, no spinal or uterine tender¬ness, and no bruising on her head or limbs. Her cervix was closed and she had no vaginal bleeding. Her prena¬tal care was unremarkable. She denied previous illness, smoking, or illegal drug use. Her hemoglobin level was 11.5 g, her hematocrit was 34%, her urinalysis was normal, and her urine toxicology
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