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ArtikelQuotidian Disruption and Women's Activism in Times of Crisis,Argentina 2002-2003  
Oleh: Borland, Elizabeth ; Sutton, Barbara
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Gender and society; vol. 21 no. 05 (Oct. 2007), page 700-722.
Topik: activism; Argentina; economic crisis; social movements; women
Fulltext: 700.pdf (130.51KB)
Isi artikelArgentina recently underwent a period of economic crisis that shook societal foundations. People turned to collective action for social and political change, and women were at the forefront of many protests. This crisis offers an opportunity to study a moment of “quotidian disruption”—when routine practices and ingrained assumptions are threatened—as an impetus for mobilization. The authors draw on ethnographic observations and analyze 44 in-depth interviews with activist women in Argentina to explore their responses to quotidian disruption. The authors show that the Argentine crisis challenged everyday practices and expectations that were often gendered, fostering activism that drew on previous social frameworks while also creating new ones. Activism became a new quotidian for many women and transformed their identities and experiences with politics and gender relations.
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