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ArtikelVariable ambisyllabicity  
Oleh: Trousdale, Graeme
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: English Language and Linguistics (Full Text & ada di PROQUEST th. 2005 - terbaru) vol. 6 no. 2 (Nov. 2002), page 267-282.
Fulltext: vol 6.2;267-282.pdf (112.49KB)
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Isi artikelThis article is an attempt to account for data, collected from twenty speakers of Tyneside English (TE), which seem to indicate that syllabi®cation of the oral stops in certain positions in English is subject to dialectal variation, and that the issue of syllabi®cation is closely linked to patterns of glottal reinforcement and glottal substitution in the TE variety. Models of syllable structure based on data from `standard' accents such as Received Pronunciation (RP) therefore fail to account for patterns in nonstandard varieties. In what follows, I propose some revisions to the RP-based account provided in Giegerich (1999) which are necessary to account for the TE data and, furthermore, I emphasize the need for a more holistic approach to studies of variation, which attempts to synthesize structural and sociolinguistic principles.`
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