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The effect of passage topical structure types on ESL reading comprehension difficulty
Perkins, Kyle
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Language Testing (Full Text & ada di PROQUEST dari th 1998 - terbaru) vol. 9 no. 2 (Dec. 1992)
page 1-11.
Isi artikel
This study investigated the effect of five types of topical structure on the item difficulty of reading comprehension questions. A topical structure includes the initial sentence element which is the initially placed discourse material in a sentence; a mood (surface structure) subject; and a topical subject which is a surface subject relating to the discourse topic of a text. The results indicated that there was a difference in the item difficulty of the questions according to the type of topical structure on which the questions were based. The questions derived from sentences in which given information occurred before new information and from sentences in which topical information occurred in subject position tended to be easier than questions derived from sentences manifesting other types of topical structure. The article concludes with a suggestion that topical structure types be included as a variable in future models of ESL reading comprehension difficulty
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