More than 3 500 international biomedical journals, consisting of 20 000 individual issues each year, Constitute the source material for Excerpta Medica Foundation's data bank and its literature abstracting journals. Approximately 200 000 citations are computer-stored annually, and about 80 000 of these contain abstracts. Since 1968, 1 200 000 citations and about 700 000 abstracts have been stored in the Excerpta Medica's data bank. As of 1969, Excerpta Medica is publishing 33 English-language abstract journals in its regular series, all of which are Completely computer-processed. Subject and author indexes are cumulated annually in each journal. Some of the relevant abstracting journals include: Health Economics and Hospital Management, Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, and Public Health, Social Medicine and Hygiene. In the Public Health, Social Medicine and Hygiene section, topics such as the following are included: Medical Education, Demography, Communicable Diseases, Nutrition, Hygiene, Water Supply, Environmental Sanitation, etc. For individuals interested in a special literature search the total information input into the Excerpta Medica data bank can be searched and the results are available to the requester in the form of a computer printout. Literature searches can be ordered at any desired frequency intervals. Further information can be obtained by contacting Mr B.T. Stern, Excerpta Medica Foundation, P.O. Box 1126, 119-123 Herengracht, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. |