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ArtikelReformasi Administrasi Negara Dalam Era Globalisasi  
Oleh: Budiyanto, M. Nur
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Studi Indonesia vol. 8 no. 1 (Jan. 1998)
Topik: Reformasi Administrasi Negara; Globalisasi; Dimensi Politik dalam Reformasi Administrasi Negara; Dimensi Militer dalam Reformasi Administrasi Negara
Fulltext: M. Nur Budiyanto.pdf (60.72KB)
Isi artikelPublic administration is an important part of the development of developing nations. This paper attempts to discuss the problems faced by developing nations in preparation for the globalization era. Administratif reformation is not accidental but rather is a planned process to meet a nations goal. Reformation would only be effektif when designed properly taking into consideration the environment in which the reformation takes place. Based on the idea that globalization is not merely internationalization or the relationship between nations but rather is a new form in which the world becomes united forming a "global culture" referred to as the "third culture", the writer suggested that there are six (6) phases of global development, namely 1) embryo phase, 2) developmental phase, 3) take-off phase, 4) hegemonious struggle phase, 5) uncertainty phase, and 6) global culture phase. Furthermore, the writer states that the reformation of public administrastion in the era of globalization is a planned change for the implementation of the role of the elit in power (military, bureaucrat, political party, technocrat, etc.) to achieve a nations goal through the six phases of globalization. The writer concluded that the success or failure of public administration reformation is determined by: 1) change agent, 2) commitment and support from political leaders, 3) social and economic environment, and 4) perfect timing.
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