Anda belum login :: 12 Mar 2025 02:36 WIB
ArtikelBranding Documentary: New Zealand’s Minimalist Solution To Cultural Subsidy  
Oleh: Debrett, Mary
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Media, Culture & Society vol. 26 no. 1 (Jan. 2004), page 5-23.
Fulltext: 5MCS261.pdf (94.5KB)
Isi artikelThis article looks at the impact of industry changes on social documentary production in New Zealand, and draws on a series of interviews with producers, broadcasters and representatives of funding agencies about the funding process, exploring the interplay of tensions that influenced what documentaries got made under the New Zealand system. Documentary outcomes for 1998 are discussed from the perspective of both broadcaster and film-maker, with contemporary developments set within the historical context of the social documentary. At stake in this discussion is the relationship between social agency and cultural subsidy in the global era.
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