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Extending the police role: implications of police mediation
Buerger, Michael E.
Petrosino, Anthony J.
Petrosino, Carolyn
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Police Quarterly vol. 2 no. 2 (Jun. 1999)
page 125-149.
Isi artikel
This article discusses ramifications of role shifts that occur when police officers with tra ditional law enforce ment expec ta tions are placed in community policing assign ments. Shifting from a control per pective to a partnership role often requires offi cers to aban don con frontation, com mand, and coercion in favor of par tic i pa tion, pro mo tion, and per sua sion. Types of police mediation arising in community olicing are dis cussed rel a tive to social distance and legal obli ga tions across a spec trum of dis putes: domestics,landlord-tenant, acquain tance/neighbor, frictions between neighborhoods and attractive nui ances, and between place guard ians and reg ulating bodies. The New York City Commu nity Patrol Officer Program (CPOP) and the Minnea polis Repeat Call Address Policing (RECAP) experiment provide examples. Poten tial problems include burn out, tunnel vision, personalizetion, overidentification, overcommitment, and unanticipated consequences.
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