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ArtikelPersonality Implications of Romantic Attachment Patterns in Young Adults : A Multi-Method, Multi-Informant Study  
Oleh: Onishi, Miyoko ; Gjerde, Per F. ; Block, Jack
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ( vol. 27 no. 9 (2001), page 1097-1110.
Topik: PERSONALITY; personality implication; romantic attachment; multi - method; multi - informant
Fulltext: 1097PSPB279.pdf (96.0KB)
Isi artikelA prototype - matching approach was employed to assess romantic attachment in young adults. The 48 - item Hazan and Shaver’s Experiences in Close Relationships inventory was configured, via prototype definitions, to capture core themes of four romantic attachment patterns : secure, preoccupied, dismissing, and fearful. The personality attributes associated with each attachment pattern were evaluated by referencing both observer evaluations and self - report correlates. The observer evaluations of the individuals matching the secure, preoccupied, and fearful prototypes were mostly congruent with their self - perceptions, whereas somewhat greater discrepancy emerged for individuals matching the dismissing prototype. The discussion focused on differences in the personality functioning associated with different romantic attachment patterns, the prototype - matching method, the importance of including both observer - and self - report data in the validation of self - report measures, and the relative advantages of self - report versus interview methodologies in studying attachment.
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