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ArtikelPengaruh Stresor Pemberian Epinefrin terhadap Penebalan Otot Pembuluh Polos Pembuluh Darah Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Strain Wistar  
Oleh: Setyawan, Sunarko ; Effendi, Choesnan ; Nizomy, Ihya Ridlo
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Penelitian Medika Eksakta vol. 03 no. 01 (Apr. 2002), page 9-19.
Topik: VSMCs proliferation; epinephrine; histomorphometry; femoral artery
Fulltext: Sunarko Setyawan.pdf (153.05KB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: J101
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
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Isi artikelThe research was conducted to investigate the effect of epinephrine (E) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) proliferations in vivo using histomorphological femoral artery induced by artificial stressor (epinephrined-stressor). This posttest only control group design consists of 24 males Wistar rat weight 150 – 200 grams, divided into 2 groups for treatment and 1 control group for separate pretest. The 1st treatment group were injected i.m with 0,125 ml E containing 0,05 Epinephrine bitartras (ETHICA) per 200 grams (300 times dilution with Saline), and 2nd treatment group with Saline (OTSUKA Indonesia) for the same doses, twice a day at 7 AM and 7 PM. After 14 days treatment, the rats were euthanazied with aether aenestheticus and femoral artery removed for histological cross luminal section preparation with Hematoxiline-Eosin Stain. The histomorphometry analysis i.e luminal area, medial thickness and VSMCs number (nuclei) counting were determined to established VSMCs proliferation. This analysis used Adobe Photoshop 5,0 (Adobe Inc. USA) computerized programe from scanned preparation’s pictures callibrated with micrometer’s objective glass (OB-µ -1/100 Olympus Japan) in the camera-light-microschope (Olympus-C-35AD-4 -Olympus BH-2; Japan). The experimental showed that there were increasing of the medial thickness and cell number between 2 groups of treatment 33,61 ± 5,12 µm and 157 ± 41 versus 63,33 ± 13,8 µm and 223 ± 45, respectively, but not for the luminal area. There were also a decreasing of luminal area for Epinephrine group (8,548.104 ± 1,110 µm2) against Saline group (8,466.104 ± 3,262 µm2). Statistical multivariate analysis showed that there were significant difference in Hoteling’s Trace value (p < 0,01) of three dependent variables for each treatment group. Continous analysis with univariate results significant difference (p < 0,01) for all dependent variables between and within group of treatment. Further analysis with discriminant analysis resulted 2 discriminant variables i.e luminal area and medial thickness (p < 0,05). After all, without ignoring any disturbing factors such as preparation technical false, suggest there were a VSMCs proliferation stimulated by epinephrine.
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