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JurnalAmerican Journal of Education vol. 102 no. 4 (Aug. 1994)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 01956744    Year:: 1994    Bulan: 08    Edisi: Aug 1994    
Penerbit: The University of Chicago Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal American Journal of Education]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: AA37.4
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The Politics of Nationalizing Curricular Content, halaman 383-393
  2. Assessment Policy as Persuasion and Regulation, halaman 394-420
  3. National Standards and School Improvement in The 1990s : Issues and Promise, halaman 421-449
  4. Researchers and Assessment Policy Development : A Cautionary Tale, halaman 450-477
  5. National Standards and Assessments : Will They Improve Education ?, halaman 478-510
  6. Performance Puzzles, halaman 511-526
  7. The Integration of Testing With Teaching : Application of Cognitive Psychology in Instruction, halaman 527-564
  8. Evaluating The Technical Quality of Proposed National Examination Systems, halaman 565

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