Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 09:50 WIB
ArtikelReconstruction or Deconstruction?: A Reply to Johanna Meehan  
Oleh: Allen, Amy
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Philosophy & Social Criticism vol. 26 no. 3 (Mei 2000), page 53–60.
Topik: feminism ; Habermas ; identity ; moral vs ethical
Fulltext: 53PSC263.pdf (74.96KB)
Isi artikelI argue that Johanna Meehan’s call to examine the extralinguistic psychic, affective and biological dimensions of gender identity is extremely important both for feminist theory in particular and for contemporary Continental philosophy in general. However, I suspect that such an examination might necessitate more than a mere expansion or reconstruction of Habermas’ views; on the contrary, I suggest that Meehan’s line of argument might lead instead toward a radical deconstruction of Habermasian critical theory.
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