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ArtikelTeologi Kekerasan: Pandangan Jihad Muhammad 'Abd Al-Salam Faraj dan Imam Samudra  
Oleh: Naharong, Abdul Muis
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Falsafah dan Agama Universitas Paramadina vol. 01 no. 01 (Apr. 2007), page 33-85.
Topik: Jihad Muhammad 'Abd al-salam Faraj; Terorisme; Agama
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Isi artikelThis article aims at comparing the ideas of jihâd of Muhammad ‘Abd al-Salâm Faraj, the leader of the Jihâd Organization in Egypt, and Imam Samudra, the mastermind of Bali Bombing I. Both Faraj and Samudra understand jihâd as war or fighting (qitâl). They both consider jihâd as one of the pillars of Islam (arkân al-Islam) and, therefore, it is a personal duty (ford ‘am) that has to be carried out by each and every able Muslim individual. They, however, differ as to whom the jihâd is waged against. Faraj waged jihâd against the Egyptian government (the near enemy) whose head of state (Anwar Sadat) had, Faraj believed, become an infidel and apostatized from Islam, a condition that renders him to be legally killed. He focused his effort to topple the Egyptian government and aspired to establish an Islamic state in its stead. He believed that it was encumbent upon every Muslim to establish an Islamic state. Samudra, on the other hand, declares war against the United States and its allies (the far enemy) that are invading Muslim countries and killed many innocent children, women, and the elderly in the process. Samudra, like Faraj, also believes that the government has committed acts of unbelief because it does not implement God’s rules. However, unlike Faraj, Samudra does not consider the ruler of his country to be in a state of apostacy, and puts less emphasis on the establishment of an Islamic state.
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